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Ever wonder if there is more waiting for you?  Maybe you actually feel it but don’t know how to get there.


Do any of these questions sound familiar?

  • Do you have a deep desire to create something using your talents and gifts?
  • Are you tired, unfocused and not sure where to begin?
  • Do you feel alone, discouraged and in need of support?
  • Are you saying to yourself, “It’s my time to shine but I can’t!”?
  • Do you wish you could take a magic pill to create a life that you love and deserve?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions above, it may be your time for a S.H.I.F.T!


If this speaks to you, congratulations! It means you are ready to start living the life you were created for. It’s your time FINALLY to do what you love without guilt, without struggle and without being the last in line.

It’s time for you to…

Stop saying “yes”, pleasing others instead of asking yourself what you really desire.

Focus on you and your passions.

Use your gifts and talents to make a different in the world.

Love on yourself and get to know yourself better.

Make time for YOU!

Don’t let one more day go by!

Kristin Tatman

As a Transformational Life Coach, I help women improve  the way we’re showing up in our worlds. We work on shifting how we show up for ourselves in relationships, our vocation, our health and well-being and our time and money focus in order to create more personal freedom.

We do lots of work and we have a lot of fun too! We work on how to make more self-honoring choices so that we can create and live a life that we love and jump out of bed for!

I love this work. It’s my passion to help you tap into your heart and follow your dreams. You deserve it!


As you are shifting, you notice that you are not the same person you used to be.

You no longer put your dream on the back burner in order to help someone else.

You are giving yourself permission to live your best life, you’ve stopped playing small and holding yourself back.

You have given yourself permission to GO FOR IT with the understanding that you deserve a higher level of life experience NOW.

As a giver, helping others is your passion but you realize you cannot be of service if you aren’t making your dream a priority first.  You realize that you can no longer build into others while neglecting your own dreams. With your new awareness, you see that no one is breaking their backs to help you and you realize…..

The truth is, it’s your time.

You need to give yourself permission to spend time on your things, to earn more,  workout more, eat healthier, spend time meditating and resetting your mind so you can be more present, better at what you do, be more creative and enjoy more happiness.

You realize you can no longer let your negative self-talk and personal doubts control your life.

You are now able to take time for yourself throughout the day and happy to cheer on others for 5 minutes from afar…you realize the tables have turned. You are making your dream a priority. It’s your time!

You know what it is that you want to create. You have a clear vision for your life and have finally given yourself permission to break through the glass ceiling that once seemed only a dream.

You now see yourself in the future, doing extraordinary and great things. You own and accept that you deserve to spend a good part of your day to work on your dream, your vision, your business and to serve from a much better and happier place.

You are ready to


  • Start where you are.

  • Honor your values and dreams.

  • Ignite your passion.

  • Follow your heart into action.

  • Transform with a teacher.

“Before participating in Kristin’s program, I was really stuck in a rut, just reacting to whatever it seemed life threw at me. Kristin has taught me how to be more aware of my thoughts and then how to take control of them. With this awareness, I am able to take a proactive role in creating my reality. I am grateful for the growth I have experienced and look forward to more.”

~ Jean G.




This program includes:

  • 3 online, small group training/coaching sessions a month via Zoom.
  • 3 available times to choose from (Tues. 7:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. or Wed. 9 a.m.)
  • 1, one on one personal clarity sessions to tap into your desires and dreams
  • 1 Bonus group training per month in an area of business, marketing or high performance habits
  • Accountability and community (tribe) with like-minded women
  • A private Facebook group to celebrate wins, be supported or to ask for support
  • 6 month planning calendar/workbook to organize your vision, your day, your tools and to track your SHIFT
  • Complimentary access to my online course, Thought Pattern Perfecting (a $147 value)
  • 1 additional free Mastermind month (month 7) upon completion
  • Pay in full option, receive 2, one to one, 45 minute private coaching sessions with Kristin (a $190 value)

To learn more schedule your free discovery call Today!

“Kristin Tatman has inspired me to take charge of my life. In the year that we have been working together, I have seen tremendous personal growth. She encourages me, and holds me accountable, in planning and implementing action steps toward my goals. With Kristin’s help I have identified key areas of thought patterns that no longer serve me. Together, we have replaced fear based thinking with courage. I have been able to replace thoughts of scarcity with attitudes of abundance. I look forward to her video posts and find reinforcement for new behavior. Our individual coaching sessions have brought profound insights and closure into stories of the past. I look forward to her training opportunities with like-minded individuals. I now observe myself making self-honoring choices and speaking my truth.”

~Theresa H.

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